What’s the dumbest reason you dumped a girl for?

  1. The dumbest reason I dumped a girl for was because she didn’t like the same type of music as me.

  2. When I was in highschool I bleached my hair, which happens to be curly, she said my hair looks like ramen noodles. I got so offended I dumped her over FaceTime.

  3. I couldn’t stand her sharpie drawn on eyebrows. Got to the point I couldn’t look her in the eyes when having a conversation. Had to just end it.

  4. I dumped a girl in highschool because she wanted to bring her ex bf on our second date so I could get his approval to date his ex.

  5. When I was younger I dumped a girl because she was fat. Some of the best sex I’ve ever had though but we weren’t compatible. I told her I was moving and that’s why we had to break up but she saw through that and asked if it was because she’s fat so I admitted it and we broke up but stayed FWBs for awhile.

  6. My girlfriend in kindergarten farted in the little playhouse we were in, that was it.

    My GF in 7th grade kissed me, that ended that.

  7. Too many morning alarms. One or two or an occasional snooze is fine, but when you use 3+ (or 7 in this case) it’s not because you struggle to wake up, it’s because you literally trained your body to struggle with waking up and I’m not going to lie around and listen to that bullshit

  8. I just kinda forgot we were dating.

    There was no initiative to do anything together, except occasionally show up at a party where she would vanish after making rounds to say hi to her friends. Guess I was arm candy or something, lasted a month-ish. I just didn’t call her again and did my own thing so…

    I may have a very pissed “girlfriend” out there 18 years later, man is she gonna hate my wife and kids.

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