TL;DR: He gives me silent treatment whenever he doesn’t like something I say or do! he blocked me for 3 months but now wants to meet him to discuss things!!

we 've been together for 4 years!! And after just 6 months maybe less he stopped showing any care or affection except for when he wanted to be physical!! I have put up with a lot in life so i tried to make things work.. and everyday he grew more and more mean and unkind even when things were right!! he says i overreact and he just denies everything these are the things that hurt me in the past and he didn't even discuss at the time.. suggest me what should i do or where I am wrong!! He always talks about him and never listen to me about my day what I did … have completely stopped talking about me now after he belittled me one time!! when we first had sex!! he left me there crying!! i thought it was a one time thing!! but he continued to do this a lot!! one time he said my friends are coming or he literally pushed me on the road to go home! he doesn't want to let people know that we are together!! and that was when i was there for his birthday!! Insults me in public but says that i don't have any sense of humour!! whenever i try to discuss these things, he gives me silent treatment for 2 or 3 months, I was happy one day told him I bought something expensive for him while I was shopping with my sister! and he said if you told your sister about us I won't talk to you for 3 months!! he just left me many times and now i hesitate or don't feel comfortable when we get physical and he gets angry over it or either he acts nice and promises me that we will discuss things or he won't act mean and after sex he doesn't talk to me or when i complain he says i am the most nagging person ever!! i didn't want to be physical last time he said we would go out on nice dinner and discuss and i don't know i hesitated to give him a blowjob and he left !! he doesn't even try to make me feel a little comfortable or refused to go out on dinner!! and when i was crying he always laughs now and looked at me with (disgust) i always support him!! make plans each and everything asks him about his mood or his work !! it would be nice if he does it for me!! but he says that i overreact!! and i did ! i got angry in our last conversation I am not justifying my anger!! he refused to discuss anything and lies to me says we would do something and than acts like he didn’t say it!! he didn't say much i was crying and he was laughing and i was just pointing every day when he lied or when he was unfair to me!! he just said that's because you are toxic and pathetic and blocked me everywhere!! now he came back like he does after every 2 or 3 months and i invested soo much in this relation emotionally that i always end up trusting him!! he says he promise that he would act right now!! what should i do?

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