If you could go back in time and break-up with an ex that broke up with you, how would you do it?

  1. The gag is I was trying to break up with him but then he just said it first so I guess I’d do it faster lmao

  2. “I’m tired of you putting me last in your life. Maybe you’d rather put someone else first. Go get her. I’m out. I deserve better”.

  3. i would have just said a simple goodbye instead of holding on so tight and letting him take so much mental energy from me

  4. I wouldn’t even enter the relationship in the first place. Dude was effing ungrateful anyway

  5. Who cares who did it first as long as it gets done? I’d rather go back in time and not date someone at all lol

  6. Can I just preempt the whole relationship?

    “I don’t care if you’re my only friend. I would rather be alone than be extorted into dating you”.

  7. I wish I could’ve punched his face multiple times but I was so scared of him back then because he was very abusive. So I don’t think I would change how but when. I would’ve broken up with him sooner

  8. I would have left him before he met his AP. Back when he still gave a shit about me and had even begged me not to leave him out of the blue. I’m just curious if he actually cared for me then, or if it was an act the entire time. I can’t trust anything he ever said, because he’s a pro at hiding his real feelings.

  9. I don’t think I would. Everything I’ve gone through in life has been a lesson, the man that broke up with me broke my heart, and I honestly don’t think there was anything that would have caused me to break up with him. However, I grew as a person and my life changed and evolved for the better afterwards. It wasn’t my choice to end that relationship and that’s okay. He is now married to someone else, and I’ve been with my current partner for 4 years now. I have a beautiful 1 year old child today. I’m a stronger person because of the heartbreak, and someday, if my child ever gets dumped by their first love, I can share my experience, if he wants to hear it.

    First heartbreaks are rough, but in the end, I wouldn’t change it.

  10. A guy I spent a lot of time with kind of ghosted me. I guess he told me why eventually but it still hurt. If I could change anything I honestly would have been more vulnerable with him because he was really open with me about himself and instead I totally self sabotaged.

    But I guess if I were to have broken up with him it would be for the reasons I felt i shouldn’t open up/trust him. He was a 25 yr old skater with a felony and no real life direction and was unsure about me who had a career, my own place and more. I should have broken up with him /stopped seeing him when he said doesn’t want a title or a relationship after 3-4 months of being together because I really did want that with him at the time.

    We’re friends now and support each other from a distance but he was prob one of my favorite partners

  11. I would have dropped him so much earlier and stuck with the breakup over the winter break my freshman year instead of not doing it and him getting to do it later after cheating.

  12. Def would’ve robbed him, slept with his brother, his best friend, and his worst enemy, and cut his brake line for good measure

  13. Since thst would mean I’d already remember the r*pe and recognize the other ab*se….I’d be at home eith my dad. Call yhe cops. And if I ever had to face him, I’d just say fuck off. And I would’ve left much sooner than 3.5 years later.

  14. He treated me terribly the whole time, but he was especially awful to me when we took a weekend trip to another city.

    Sometimes I think, “Wow I wish I would’ve just left his ass there and driven home.” We took my car, would’ve been easy enough.

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