Hey I (M22) have been dating this girl (F19) for about 3 months now. She is wonderful, constantly texts me, buys me gifts, pays for dates (we keep it like 50-50).

But she never asks me to hang out or texts me she wants to see me, Ive met her family and everytime she does invite me she says “my mom told me you can come to lunch tomorrow” so I feel like im being invited by her mom not her.

She usually sleeps over my house for the weekend, but it gets so boringg. When she texts me she text how she is all cuddly etc etc. But when we are together we are usually watching a movie then she pulls up her phone and starts watching tiktoks and replying to her female friends until she feels tired enouto go to sleep.
I also have to initiate all sexual activity, but often times I get “Im tired, I have cramps etc.” So we basically have sex like 2 times a month.

She wants me to tell her where and who am I going with, becouse she tends to overthink stuff and gets her in a bad/sad/anxious mood.

I dont know what to add here, so Ill answer any questions you guys might ask.

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