I’m (20F) just started interning at a company last week and quickly became friends with two guys and two girls who are also interns. The five of us had already hung out a few times and we were supposed to go to the beach yesterday. Both of the girls and one of the guys cancelled last minute and the other guy (21M) messaged me later and asked if I wanted to go just me and him and I said yes. Long story short, it became an unexpected first date. We spent the hour long drive just talking, went for a long walk along the beach, took a few pictures, got dinner, he started a small bonfire, and we sat close by and cuddled for a while and kissed. After, we got ice cream and I invited him to my place to watch a movie.

When things started happening and he took his shirt off, I saw he had several large scars along his chest and stomach area and I couldn’t help but ask what happened. He brushed it off and said that shit happens and continued but I couldn’t get my mind off his scars and we stopped. It was awkward the rest of the night. We cuddled and fell asleep together but he wasn’t as warm as he had been the whole day. This morning, he gave me a kiss and hug before he left but the elephant in the room was still there and to make it worse, he hasn’t picked up my calls or responded to my texts today. 

I know I shouldn’t have asked about his scars but I couldn’t and still can’t stop thinking about them. I enjoyed being with him all of yesterday so much and I’m afraid I ruined whatever was between us. What should I do? We (the five of us) usually eat lunch together so I’ll see him tomorrow and have a chance to talk to him but I don’t know what I should do or if I should do anything at all.

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