For those who live alone, how long did it take for you to get all of your furniture and feel fully settled?

  1. A year for me 😄 I hit a point I was happy with everything I had and even started selling things now

  2. Several years and a lot of budgeting because my salary’s not great. After I replaced some ugly basic furniture and hung up some art on the walls and got some houseplants it finally started feeling like home.

  3. I moved into my apartment with just clothes and shoes. I started by buying just the basics – fridge and a bed. One armchair. Then 2. Then a small couch as I made more friends. I bought a TV 6 months later.

    I was very specific about what I wanted in my space. I had a vision first and then searched and waited for the right thing to fit the bill. Around the 2 year mark is when I felt that yes my home furniture is complete. Then I started buying random trinkets and haven’t stopped 😂

  4. A month for all the standard things. First week is the most gruelling putting things together. But I still buy stuff as I remember/realize them along the way for quite some time, maybe a year.

  5. It took me about three months to get everything sorted and feel truly settled. It’s a process, but worth it for that cozy, homey vibe!

  6. I moved in following a very lengthy and messy divorce. Wound up with 1/2 of our savings, investments, and home equity.

    Bought a home that was way under my budget.

    Went to Bob’s Furniture and acted like a big-shot for once in my life.

    “I’ll take that, and that, and two of those. OH, and that over there!”

    The salesperson was absolutely over the moon, hanging on my every word.

    Furnished the house in one visit. I’m not very picky.

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