My best friend and I just got married. Together 6.5 years at this point. We have the house, the kids (3!) the works. We are so incredibly perfect for each other. Our arguments don’t get past eye rolls and don’t last long. Everything is elbow grease and hard work and love. We love every second of life together, and we have so much love for each other. Cheers!

  1. 35 yrs here.

    Hang tough friend! There will be challenges you can’t even imagine right now. Just never quit. Never quit on your love for her, (it will evolve). Never quit on each other, never quit making yourself better for your spouse. Never quit on being a father, and a role model, never quit on being a better man for kids around you and your children’s friends.

    Never quit on being a better person for your family. EVER.

    You got this… and the rewards are unbelievably fabulous…. Trust an old man married to the best woman, next to your now wife.

    Good Luck! I am so happy for you both!

  2. Marriage is a beautiful thing insofar as it provides the sharing of emotions, liberating the energy necessary to circumvent the vagaries of life when it is no longer pink.

  3. This photo struck a reaction in me. Marriage is a joy; something to celebrate every day. The festive attire reflects that.

    But it’s also a photo of just the two of them. Alone, with each other. Clinging to each other.

    In the worst moments of life, when you are sick, scared, penniless, you will feel alone – except for that spouse. No matter your belief system, the only living human that both fully understands you, and is fully in your corner, is your spouse. As long as you both retain love and support for each other – you will never feel fully alone. Even if they are far away, the knowledge that you are loved by them will give you strength.

    And when there are huge life changing decisions to make… it is often ultimately the two of you who make them. Nobody else. Just you two.

    Here’s the secret of a good marriage: remember that. Some other human has decided to put up with all the pains of life _with you_.

    If you and your spouse remember that and remain grateful for that – you’ll do fine.

  4. Aweeeee congratulations, have lots of srx. Share the chores 50 50, share the bills 50 50 always appreciate each other. Good luck

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