My boyfriend is having a horrible time getting over my past and the bodies I have. I have 5 bodies, and he has 8. It started a few months ago, around 2.5 months into our relationship, and we have now been together almost 6 months. Him being a little jealous I could handle, but he becomes snarky and sometimes cruel with his words. He gets randomly triggered remembering it even if we haven’t talked about it in days and lashes out at me. He’s even gone as far as to blame me for getting assaulted, saying ‘what did you expect?’. All of this I could somewhat handle but yesterday he looked through my phone while I was sleeping and told me that he looked through my notes and looked up the name of every man I’ve been involved with in my message search bar. I’m so mortified and humiliated because he started asking extremely personal questions like why i continued hanging out with a specific dude even if I was complaining about him in my messages. All of the stuff he is upset over is going on 10 months old when I was extremely naive and trying to cope with my sexual trauma. I’m not expecting him to understand why I acted the way I did, but today he said something along the lines of, ‘I try and give you my love and take care of you and all it took for [you to give it up to] him was a bong and some weed’. I’m extremely hurt. When I asked why he snooped through my phone so much he said, ‘Guys don’t want a h*e wife. They don’t want used goods. But you’re not like that.’ Even after saying I’m ‘not like that’ he continues to shame me which makes me think he does to an extent view me as that. He’s also said things like ‘You had the blue print to be a h0e, but you didn’t get enough action I guess.’ And acts like he ‘saved’ me from becoming a h0e by ‘taking me off the market’ (his words). In the past, he’s pressed me on why I had sex or didn’t have sex with certain dudes I talked to. He also continuously tells me how disappointed he is in me for my past. How do I handle this? At what point does it become too much?

TL;DR – My boyfriend becomes extremely jealous and upset when discussing my past and has become condescending and rude over it.

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