I recently started school again(16M) and I've fallen for this girl since the first day, I haven't talked to her at all. Me and her friends are the same, I haven't gotten to talk to her yet. How should I proceed? And what's a better way of confessing? Online or IRL, I'm leaning more to the irl but I can't find myself to do it

  1. Whoa, take a beat! That’s great—you’ve got a crush! But does she even know you exist? I admire your boldness, but how about taking a different approach? Start simple: just say ‘hello’ when you see her, whether it’s in the hall or first thing in the morning. A smile and a casual greeting—that’s all you need for now. Do that for a few days, maybe even a week or two.

    Once that feels natural, build on it. Try something like, “Hey, how’s your day going?” or “Have a good one, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Before long, you’ll be having little conversations about random things, and that’s how you build rapport. She’ll start to notice that you’re taking an interest. When you feel the timing is right and you sense a connection, make your move: “I really enjoy talking to you—let’s hang out after school,” or “I’m heading to XYZ this weekend, you should come with me.”

    I think that’s a better approach than just going in hot!

  2. If you’re leaning towards IRL, go for it. Try to find a casual moment to talk to her, maybe with a simple compliment or question. Being direct is usually best.

  3. Whoa, slow down there. You haven’t talked to this woman yet. Get to know her first, otherwise it’s just gonna be weird. Life isn’t like films, the success rate of “hey i think you’re really cool/attractive” isn’t very high out here.

  4. > How can I confess to my classmate?

    yeah dont do that. just talk to her and ask her out on a date, its that simple.

  5. Do not “confess” just do some light flirting and talk to her. Immediate outpourings of deep love are not going to win you any points, probably just freak her out. Just get her number and chat her up a bit

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