Men of reddit, if given the chance, what would you say to your five year old self?

  1. You will figure out how to connect with people. It will take time, and there will be a lot of pain – but you will figure it out one day. Don’t worry. You are not nearly as alone as you may think.

  2. Literally nothing. I don’t remember anything earlier than teenage years in specific detail

  3. When you are 18, put everything you can it bitcoin. Do not take it out until march 2021.

  4. I’m you from the future! We have flying cars and everything runs on potatoes!!!

  5. You might want to get away from them ants bro, you gone die if Ken doesn’t come home early.

  6. Listen to your old man as it turned out he was right about everything he said.

    Miss ya dad ❤️

  7. 5 years old? “It’s about to get a LOT worse! Good luck kid, buy Bitcoin, don’t do heroin, even tho I know you will” then I’d laugh and tussle his/my hair and get back to being a time traveler

  8. Give him a list of companies to invest in.

    A list of women to avoid.

    The one woman to actually look for.

    And a date to make damn sure she doesn’t leave the house.

  9. I’d probably just sit down and try to teach him to speak some English. He’s five, I’m not going to tell him anything profound.

  10. Nothing. I was a dumb kid and probably wouldn’t have listened. Only adult I listened to was my dad.

  11. Listen to your dad on that day when you’re 17. You’ll k ow it when it comes. Really hear him and stop and think before you move on. Trust me I know.

  12. It wouldn’t be anything I’d say in particular. It’d be more how I’d say things and how I’d treat myself. Self compassion actualised a little more physically literally.

    Throughout the years, family-induced trauma, anxiety and depression held me back from accomplishing a lot of things. If I had someone who truly cared for me, I’d have handled the challenges of life a little better.

    I now have those people in my life, and am quite good at self compassion. So receiving this a little earlier from myself would’ve strengthened my preparation for life.

  13. Your mother is lying about who your dad was. She cheated on him with his CO, and that’s your real dad. Your whole family knows, but won’t tell you for another 23 years.

  14. Don’t turn out to be a disappointment and failure to everyone like I did

  15. “Hey buddy, go stand behind the car I wanna show you something”


  16. Either nothing or something nice. Five is too far back. With the way my memory is, I could have actually gone back in time and there’s a chance I wouldn’t remember it from either perspective

  17. Either nothing or something nice. Five is too far back. With the way my memory is, I could have actually gone back in time and there’s a chance I wouldn’t remember it from either perspective

  18. I would explain everything, in great detail, that I’ve learned in school, until I perfectly understand it

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