Hey guys I (27f) have been married for only 5 months and I don't have any trust towards my partner (26M). Since the beginning of our relationship he has had a corn addiction so I went through the going through his phone and finding different women. I tried to understand him because I know corn addiction is real so I stayed. I thought getting married was a new chapter for us and we could really just love each other and our kids but no 4 days after I went through his phone and found so much that honestly it broke me.not because it was different women because he has to pass all of our videos to see them so I never really got over that. We were suppose to start new he told me he would give me all of him but I'm going to be honest I check his phone a lot when he is asleep. I recently found tabs saved in his favorite album, found things in his Reddit , and found a gay video (2 men )in that folder. I don't know what to do I'm so numb. I'm a stay at home mom just had my 3 little boy (3weeks old). What gets me is that everyday he checks in to make sure I'm "with" him and not holding back and I lie. He is all I know. I don't believe in divorce. But man I just wanted to be someone's everything. I know he lies then he looks me in the eyes and tells me how much he loves me. He lies about everything. I don't see myself leaving him because I grew up without a dad and he is a wonderful father. He always makes sure I got everything I need. He buys me anything I want and if I'm honest their no better deal. I sometimes picture myself leaving him but life is hard specially with 3 little kids. I guess I just wanted to get this out. I'm lonely at home no friends.i have no one to talk about this too without being judged or all my business told to everyone .

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