So bit of flavour and background rant!

Live in a large Northern city, usual massive bad rep council-estate with private ownership and rented homes thrown into the mix, alongside much nicer newbuild estates built within the overall council estate over the past 10 or so years.

Local estate has had a drugs & biking theft issue for many years now, often centred from specific addresses for years at a time, so much so that every local & their staffie know exactly which houses cause X issues. Local newspapers plaster these addresses and roads every month, local FB community forum is lit up daily with video recording’s of the same guys from one of the problem households stealing scooters from the around the entire city, legit same clothing, bikes etc.

Now to me!

Neighbours are private rented, landlord is a massive cunt, doesn’t care who he gets in as long as he gets the money, despite being burnt twice previously by bad tenants (not paying rent for months & court fee’s, second lot were growing cannabis and again not paying rent). Police visits every week for this, social services and council visits for weekly parties which went on for 48 hours at a time non-stop etc etc. Rough times.

Now the current set of cunts that are in are almost as bad as the first lot! Started off normal family, no issues or whatnot, then over the years different people started moving in with them, their children got older and getting into the usual house-party vibes and now somehow they’re embroiled in the local motorbike thefts and gang related stuff.

Daily groups of young guys are round working on motorbikes, electric cutters replacing reg plates and hiding stolen bikes around their property on a daily basis. Groups of guys getting geared up in balaclava’s of all things and going out on motorbikes and quads etc. Daily revving of motorbikes coming and going every few minutes at random times, can be up until 3AM. Even outside of this, the actual residents are the most obnoxious scrotes I’ve seen. Loud af, always shouting at all hours inside & out, screaming at each other randomly and a single parent who tries to relive her younger days by letting her teens do and host whatever they want.

Best part of all of this, especially the bike thefts and gang related stuff? Police & local councillor knows and has known for months if not years about the specific properties causing issues for the entire postal code. The majority of the local estate report this on a daily basis, video’s of them changing plates and hiding bikes passed to them by multiple residents, calls put in on early mornings when bikes are being raced to & from specific households, and not a single thing has been done. No Police visits, no increased presence, just more and more trouble from the same properties, including my neighbours.

The funny part of all of this is that there’s a large station not 2 minutes walk from this activity, but seems like all of the resources are devoted to the nice private estate across the dual carriageway – Police on every corner, cars parked up at all hours – it’s genuinely laughable.

  1. Rented a place, had noisy and aggressive neighbours. Complained to council and landlord who did bugger all so we moved out asap. Can’t put a price on peace of mind!

  2. We had neighbours so bad we sold up after 9 months. They screamed, blasted music all day, kept us up all night arguing etc.

    We think the son (early 20s, so an adult) was on the spectrum and had very little emotional support, and his mum just gave up trying.

    Made money on the sale which helped, but yeah. You can’t fix bad neighbours, you have to leave them.

    We told the buyers, they never questioned it.

    Edit: this was in a semi, sold up and bought a detached house in a cheaper area just to get away!

  3. Selfish neighbours are the absolute worst.

    Until recently, I seemed to attract the awful neighbours wherever I go. People partying 6 nights a week, people letting their dog poo on the garage roof which was right outside my bedroom window, bottles being smashed int the street… all sorts!

    One thing that has never once helped is speaking to them. The kind of turds that assume you want to listen to their loud music any time of the day are not the kind of people you can reason with.

    The only thing you can do is to make endless complaints to the letting agency or landlord and hope something is done.

    If they refuse and you have hit your limit, time to move out. I was absolutely sick to death of hearing people shouting/singing/fucking/loud music etc through the walls so I saved for ages and got a detached house so I never have to go through that again. I know not everyone can do it but if it’s within your means, it’s 100% worth it.

  4. I had a Karen as a neighbour; before I moved in I replaced the windows, I went with brown wood-effect frames rather than white because I think they look nice. She threatened to complain to the HOA and have them force me to replace them again with new white ones (there wasn’t an HOA, I guess she hoped I didn’t know this). I removed the garage door to replace it and renovate the garage into a utility room, she complained to the council asking if I had planning permission (I didn’t need any but I had to spend several days talking to them and having them send over inspectors to confirm this). Then when I moved in she’d send her husband round every night at around 9pm complaining that my TV was too loud.

    Thankfully she moved out a couple of years later, my new neighbours are very nice. I asked them if they had any problems with me making noise, they told me they had literally never heard me make a sound, so I guess that was just more of her being spiteful.

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