My (26f) husband (26m) and I have been married for 2 years, together for 4 years. I don’t want to go into a long background but basically my love language is hugely acts of service and’s my husband used to be so good about doing little things for me that’s always made me feel so loved and appreciated. Thing’s like filling my water before bed, cleaning without me saying/asking anything, secretly ordering from my favorite restaurant, or even bringing me my toothbrush before bed.

Lately, I don’t remember the last time it wasn’t me getting us both water at night or him getting his own water and me getting my own water. It sounds so silly, but it wasn’t like this before and even though it’s a small change it feels big.

I saw a post a few days ago saying the next day was “wife appreciation day” and he said he didn’t know what to do to show me but that he appreciates me… I feel like something else is going on deeper I just don’t understand what it is. He recently got a great new job that he loves and made friends there. He said it’s not stressful for him and he likes working overtime during the weekends which are my days off work so we don’t spend much time together anymore. I love to see him enjoying his job but why do I feel like his job is changing him? There are other small differences in his behavior and the way he speaks and even what he finds funny that he didn’t used to.

Does this even make sense? Do I sound insane or like I’m being controlling? What do I even say or how do I bring this up? Is this normal? Advice needed please.

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