and i feel really bad about it. i’ve known this friend for years and they have always been very nice to me and i have tried to be there for them. but lately it seems like we’re going down two different life paths. we’re 22 and im working full time and looking to start a business within the next few years while still going to school part time. they’re about to move cities to start their internship at a big company. i feel like we are running out of stuff to talk about and it’s awkward to me. i am a hugely introverted person and hate having to force myself to think of things to talk about so i find myself getting internally mad at them(never lashing out though lol they do not deserve that at all) they’re leaving soon and want to spend some time together. i opted to do so as i may not see them again for a while anyways. we have been talking about me driving there to visit them but honestly i can’t say i’ll feel that motivated. what would you do?

1 comment
  1. have you talked to them about this? expressed the way you’re feeling? you’ve tried to be there for them but it’s a bit harder for them to do the same for you if they don’t know anything’s wrong

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