I am refusing to assume people are jealous because I can't read their minds, so I'm going to stick with facts. A person I work with seems to constantly compare themselves with me. When I got a new car because my 14 year old car died, it was constant disparaging comments about EVs, or how Teslas were better, reading off comments from top TikTok reviews about how a random account didn't like my car out loud around me. Then the comments about where I'm from and about my family not being real started, alongside comparisons to this person's own home country, right next to me. They do this by referring to things specific to what I've said, but never using names.

I have plenty of examples of this behavior, but most if not all of it is passive aggressive and can not be confronted without my coworker admitting what they do. I do my best to ignore all of it. But I'm at my wit's end.

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