Me(M22) and my boyfriend (M22) have been together for almost a year now. We were together before for about 4/5 months but then things ended with him cheating. We live an hour and a half away from each other and I had business to do close to where he lived. I decided to go to the city and stay there for two nights while I attend my meetings and then after I would go and surprise him. While I was in the city he kept video calling me to which I declined because if I answered he would see and the surprise would have been ruined. He then suspected that I was lying and got angry and blocked me everywhere. I then finished my last meeting and went to surprise him but he was already angry at me and I didn't want him to think that I was cheating so when I got there I lied and said I just got to the city. He then went through all my stuff and saw that I had dirty clothes so he knew I was lying. I then explained to him and he forgave me for lying.
He would bring it up constantly and tell me that he would find out the truth, I wasn't worried because I knew I didn't do anything wrong. About two months back there was this well known person that joined my TikTok live and flirted with me heavily. I am a singer and so is this person so l thought he would be a good contact to have. He then DM'd me on instagram asking for my number to which I gave it. The entire conversation my boyfriend was on the phone with me telling me what to say and stuff. He then said he doesn't trust me because he thinks I'm hungry for fame which is so ridiculous. The next day I was speaking to the guy about music and everything and then I stopped replying because I got bored. He then called my phone and I answered. We spoke about a bunch of music stuff and he told me about everything that happened in the music industry and then the conversation ran dry so l started playing a game on my Ipad. I was so hoping for someone else to call so I could have an excuse to leave the call. My friend then asked me to go live with her and then while I was telling the guy that I had to go my boyfriend called me. I then ended the call with the guy and called him back. My boyfriend then asked who I was on a call with because his calls weren't going through. I then impulsively lied and said I was on a call with my friend but he then said it wasn't true because they were already live. I then dug myself deeper by sticking with the lie and I also brought up his past cheating. We then ended the call and later I called him to come clean. He then said I would have never confessed if Wasn’t caught which is which is true because I didn't do anything wrong so I don't see the point in confessing and making it a whole thing. He then ignored me for 3 weeks refusing to talk to me and he finally started speaking to me again. We then had a couple of random small arguments and then after that he said he doesn't feel the same anymore and he's not as invested in the relationship because I lied twice. How do I fix this and how can I convince him that I didn't do anything with anyone? He said the problem is that it will always be in the back of his mind that he will never know the full truth even tho I told him the full truth. How do I rebuild the trust if he is reluctant? I love him with all my heart and I don't want to lose him. I just made some stupid mistakes that I want to fix but he isn't giving me the chance to.

How do I make him see that I am serious about this relationship and that I didn’t do anything with anyone?

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