Currently 8 months pregnant,
Partner was not home from march to June for training due to work. During this time he was often going out late nights getting drunk with his colleagues and I wouldn’t hear from him for hours and days. This drastically affected my mental while being pregnant and brought my concerns to his attention that I was not comfortable with the female coworkers drinking with him and him starting to follow them on social media. He didn’t speak to me for 3 weeks. I was admitted in the hospital on 3 occasions in the 3 month period and he did not come to see me. Fast forward to June he is back home, and he has been drastically different towards me very nasty verbally and threatens me many time that he will try to file for full custody if I don’t “bring him peace”
He hides his phone and when I ask to see it he says no. 2 weeks ago he went out with the class and disappeared from 7pm -5am I had no idea where he was an I was up worried crying wondering if he was alive or dead. He came home an went to sleep on the couch. Fast forward to this Saturday passed he went out with the class again. He disappears from 9pm-3am I called twice no answer, I’m 37 weeks pregnant and i am starting to have contractions closer together an I called him at 2:45 an explained to him I was in pain. He said I was annoying him an hung up the phone on me. He came in the house after 3 am an we argued . The following morning I saw one of the female coworkers texted him at 4am an I told him to unlock the phone and prove I’m not crazy after he unlocked it the message said “ILY”
I got very emotional and asked him how he could do this to me. He stated I took the message out of context and that he had to call her an Uber home because her boyfriend caught her with another man that night an she was drunk crying with them an because he called her the Uber that’s why she texted him “ILY”
The fact she even felt comfortable enough to text that to him is a problem an he sees nothing wrong with her text. Mind you none of these female coworkers came to our baby shower, congratulated me, got us a gift or anything but at the sound of them wanting to club an party an drink they show up but didn’t come to our shower.

I want to reach out to her an say something about boundaries but that’s not even my job to do so. But at the same time his graduation is the 27th of this month. An that will be my first time ever meeting her and I feel as though I should definitely say something to her in person.

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