I’m 27 and still a virgin.

I obviously haven’t had a normal dating life, being a virgin at 27M. I’ve had people tell me “it’s ok it makes you special in a weird, slightly pathetic way.” And I’ve had more than a few male friends suggest I hire a hooker my first time.

I’m not even bad looking, and I’ve been called attractive. I just haven’t had time to even think about dating until I was 25. I left home then for some horrible reasons.

After this year, I might. I got rejected (irl) 20something times this year alone, including by a lifelong friend who was so put off by me asking her out that she hasn’t spoken to me since.

I also got reported at work for flirting this year, and while I know now not to do that and won’t do it again, she made it out to be worse than it was. I eventually learned she told my manager I touched her shoulder and I never laid a finger on her. She quit after being caught in her lie.

Therefore, I’m thinking of doing research to find a legal and regulated place in Nevada where women aren’t likely to be trafficked and learning the basics that way.

Most of my female friends are in their early-mid 30s and they hate my plan and are really suggesting I don’t do it. They did admit I could find a non-shady one if I looked into it enough, but still think I shouldn’t do it for some reason.

I just don’t see any other alternative besides living alone and depressed forever. Can you lot explain why?

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