Me and my partner have been messing around for about a year and a half and just recently started having sex. But since around January or even a little before we haven’t made out once. Sex is nice but I really miss making out I’ve tried bringing this up to him. Like ALOT. And usually he tells me he’s shy and I initiate which is also an issue. I don’t want to be the only one initiating things sexually or not anymore. I’ve expressed that and he’s said he’ll try but nothing happens. We’ve been dating for almost 4 years and I just don’t feel like I should have to beg to be kissed. he kisses me on the forehead sometimes and that’s nice but it’s just not enough for me. I want to feel desired and sought after. We used to make out a lot and for abit I was okay with not making out but it’s really eating at me. Any thoughts on how I should express this to him in a way that will really make him understand?

  1. Bring it up again and be blunt about how you feel. Men aren’t very good at picking up on subtle clues. But seeing as it’s been close to a year, you might be happier finding someone who worships you without you having to beg for it. Unless you’re both into that sorta thing.

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