Shout-out to u/DasFreibier for his comment which was a great source of inspiration:

I made this thread to expand on this provoking thought experiment:

Similar to 6 degrees of Separation / Kevin Bacon… how close would two random (straight male) redditors from r/ AskMen be as Eskimo Brothers?

Taking it a step further, which subs would have the highest and lowest degrees (still two random straight males, even for a sub like r/ askwomen)

For example I would wager that r/ NFL or r/ NBA would have a lower average degree of Eskimo Bro than r/ 4chan or r/ niceguys

I am curious what everyone thinks!

Also, most men know this term, but if not:

"Eskimo Brothers" is a slang term referring to two or more men who have had sexual relations with the same woman at different points in time.

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