Please be kind, folks.


Is this normal?! We've been married for 3 yrs, known each other for more than 5 yrs, we're parents of an adopted dog-son and our human toddler just turned 2.5yrs, we've a picture perfect family that we've struggled so hard in all ways to create from literally nothing, now lately for some reason the love I've got for this man is only increasing as days pass!
Yep, it's increasing.
Like; I get lost in his Fragrance, that's my most favourite aroma so at times when he's at work when I can't reach him I take a whiff of his aroma from his shirts, I love cooking for him that now I've learnt different cuisines and I surprise him on random days, sometimes in the middle of the night when I wake up for some water I watch him sleep and snuggle under his arms like a puppy, I take photos/videos of him while he's playing with our kids and watch them on repeat, I love looking into his eyes, like damn I could get lost in those sweet caramel, coffee, honey, pecan eyes for they're my home! 🤩
I could be so busy with the entire day managing the household chores and the kids all alone waiting to put them to bed so that I can finally take some rest yet the moment my husband comes back from work, suddenly all I just wanna do is talk to him or cuddle together in silence. I could sit the entire day doing nothing with him and time would just fly by making days look like seconds but without my husband, even though I'd be busy with a 100 undone work time would still move like a snail.!! I Love how independent, wild and free I used to be as a person back then but now solely prefer to include "my husband this, my husband that" in every conversation I could ever have with someone, my brain automatically shuts down when I'm with him, he babies me, pampers me, takes care of me in ways I didn't even know I wanted to be taken care of, understands me without even having to talk, protects me and does all what I ever craved for in this lifetime and I absolutely love that!
But sometimes I feel this obsession I have for my husband would suffocate him. I mean, I tried asking him and we spoke about it and he of course said that's the most important quality he loves in me and he'd always want that, but on the other hand I'm afraid sometimes he feels too coddled to say it and too scared to accept it because he fears it'd break my heart!

But either way, this is something I really wanted to get off my chest! ♥️

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