So there’s a guy who lives around my building I see pretty often. We both have dogs and talk whenever we see each other. I ended up seeing his instagram and following him. I messaged him and asked to go out, but like me he’s the type to delete social media apps and redownload them (we talked about this before). So today I told him I messaged him on instagram asking him out.

He told me he has been seeing a girl a few weeks. He said he’s had two serious girlfriends before and although he isn’t ready for another relationship he said it’s naturally going there.

What does he mean by he’s not ready for a relationship but is letting it happen naturally? I’m just confused is all. Why go into something you’re not ready for?

I’m just curious behind the thought process and why he even told me?

TLDR; Asked a guy out but he said he’s seeing someone and it’s getting serious but he doesn’t want another relationship?

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