I’ve been reading around and many people claim they’ve seen ghosts or experienced odd occurrences that they can’t explain when visiting the war sites at Gettysburg.

  1. I have been hoping to see a ghost there my entire life, and never have.

    Soooo, no.

    Unless I am actually too unlikable for ghosts…

    Edit: Gettysburg is awesome tho. It’s such a cool place!

  2. I wanna say yes, but only because it gives me *extreme* pleasure to think that confederate ghosts can see interracial couples fucking, and can’t do anything about it.

  3. Someone has died on just about every single square foot of land on this planet at some point in time. If ghosts were a common phenomenon we’d have solid evidence with the amount of cameras out there. Not saying weird unexplainable shit doesn’t happen but it’s just as likely that place is haunted as the exact space your occupying right now.

  4. I’m not someome who believes in ghosts but if any place was, a place like Gettysburg where thousands of people were killed would be a place where they likely would be.

  5. Ive been there for a school field trip and it’s definitely not haunted lmaooooo. They do play up the “haunted” thing with ghost tours, etc to get the tourists to spend money. I remember our guide was like “if you look in that window you can see the spirit of Abraham Lincoln!” 🙄 I still have a rock from that trip which is supposed to contain some spiritual underworld mumbo jumbo. Haha.

    Ps) I’m somebody who definitely believes in that kind of stuff. I’m just saying, I didn’t experience it at Gettysburg.

  6. Haunted by tourist traps maybe.

    The battlefield is great, but the town is full of businesses trying to cash in on its heritage.

  7. Well, I don’t really believe in ghosts. I’ve never seen one, but I don’t want to intentionally go into a situation where I’m proven wrong. It’s certainly entertaining to think about. I did a ghost one one time when I was there. Fun to heat about.

  8. I don’t believe anywhere is haunted and that ghosts aren’t real.

    Consider the entirety of human warfare and the bloody battles that we don’t even know about because all the evidence was lost to time.

    Most of the world would be constantly haunted.

  9. Gettysburg is a fantastic place to visit, and the battlefield area is a very, very somber place to this day. Im not saying it’s actually haunted but it definitely at least feels that way.

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