I'm 32. I've had some health issues in the past few years that have changed my demeanor. I'm more serious and depressed nowadays.

Before those issues started, my confidence was almost entirely tied to my ability to make people laugh. I think my success with dating in my 20s was very much due to women thinking I was funny. However I almost always felt "on". I was self-aware that I had to maintain my likability/funny factor. It began to feel like a facade, and I started feeling two-dimensional, as if I was just viewed as "the funny guy" and nothing more.

These concerns went away when I met my girlfriend when I was 25. We are still together now. I have no problem making her laugh while still being entirely myself. She's the exception. I feel very lucky in that regard.

Here's the problem: I have no idea how to connect with people without humor. I'm an introvert, but I can still flick that switch and be "on" in an instant. I know that it's not genuine, though. It's just a convincing act.

I know everyone has a public persona to a certain extent, but I'm in awe (and jealous) of genuinely friendly people who are completely sincere in their personality.

Have you ever dealt with something like this?

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