Who is someone you admired when you were younger but as you got older you changed your mind?

  1. Most of my extended family. I thought they were pretty cool because they treated me nicely. They were all kind and thoughtful. Turns out they just love little children and the fact they could hang with celebrities because of my father. They completely changed behavior and did almost nothing to support me and my mom after my dad passed away.

  2. My father. After he cheated on my mother the respect and admiration I had for him all my life (I was in my twenties when it happened) went out the window. Ever since I have nothing but disgust for him.

  3. I loved my dad. My parents separated before I was born, but he always showed up once a week to see me, bring me chocolate, and take me to the park. As I grew up, I realized my dad never paid my mum any child support. A chocolate bar a week—what a joke. I used to hate my mum for hating my dad because, to me, he was a good dad. But now I understand—I’d be pissed off too.

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