I (26M) met a girl (29F) at the local bakery shop couple of weeks back ( I met her multiple times at this shop). We exchanged numbers after a brief discussion.

Last week, she mentioned about this amazing ice cream that she generally visits every week so I asked if she wanted to go that place together. She said yes and we slowly started flirting in our text messages.

We went on a date last weekend ( Lunch + Ice cream ), and it was fun.

I later texted her whether she like to go on a next date to which she said yes.

However, I felt like I was the one who took the initiative most of the times when it comes to texts, and also I felt she was not reciprocating my interest level.

I stopped texting her for the last 3-4 days, and since then she hasn’t texted back. I am thinking I will move on if she doesn’t initiate the next message ( basically drop the discussion on 2nd date).

Am I overthinking here? Or Should I initiate the discussion again ( not comfortable with this actually)?

  1. A lot of women won’t initiate so if that’s a deal breaker stop talking and move on

  2. You just fed her, you didn’t show her you other than your providing skills. But sure, if you know you want reciprocation, then you know what needs to be done. There are some girls out there that could reciprocate if you wanna play needle in a haystack

  3. I’ve come across this quite a bit and in my opinion it could be happening for a few different reasons

    1) She may not like texting in genereal

    2) She probably has interest from other men and open communications from them

    3) It sounds to me like your invest is a little bit higher than hers

    Men are generally more invested initially than women because men place a higher value on physical appearance. Her investment will increase over time if you can show her that you are interested and attracted but not needy. Continue planning fun dates and remain confident and all will be well

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