(my first language isn't English so bear with me.)

I've (22M) have had this problem for years and I finally want to break free from it. I'm writing here because I'm extremely shy to talk about it with a doctor.

I have a really gross smell coming from between my thighs and when I saw a doctor he prescribed me a medicine tube called Nizoral. It's quite pricy and right now I don't have that much money. I used it for about 1 month and completely finished it and after using it for some time my skin colour between my thighs came back a bit normal. My skin colour in other areas is brown tan and in my groin it's kind of grey and the skin peels off easily. After peeling it looks red and polythene-like and is extremely sensitive.

So after the first tube didn't work I saw another doctor and he gave me a tube called something like Terbinaforce. I used it for 1 and half months and that didn't cure it either. It wasn't as much as pricy as the previous one tho.

Also because I'm a male, when I get boners it smells really bad. Why is this? Is this a sign of something more than just a yeast infection? Also if I get a really hard boner something watery comes out of my penis and it smells to other people too. When I'm in a classroom etc. Is it more than just precum because it smells?

I've never ever had sex so it cannot possibly be an std from a partner. But I've masturbated a lot and when I do I smell bad for about 24 hours too.

I've been this way for a long time and I'm already tired. I've been depressed because of this smell and my other issue which is abnormal gas 24/7. I've talked with my psychiatrist and she thinks I've a condition called "Olfactory Reference Syndrome". But I think it's more than that because I can smell myself in a bad way too. So what are your thoughts? What do you think is the issue here? waiting for everyone's input.

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