Men of Reddit, do you text your partners when your out with your friends?

  1. I never go out without my wife

    She’s my best friend

    But yes

    I will text her when she is with me

  2. I’m single, but when I was dating, I never texted while out with friends. If I’m with friends, I’m with friends and not distracted by my phone. I find it rude when people are constantly checking their phone while hanging out with others, and clingy/irritating when a woman texts me constantly knowing I’m hanging out with friends. I just like being present and can’t do that with my phone buzzing.

  3. i have in the past. single now, definitely going to do that much much less next time i end up in a relationship. its lame

  4. My wife use to care but after moving, having 2 kids, loosing all my friends from the moving cross country and 7 years of marriage. She’s just happy to see me make friends and have fun again. She’s kind of like the mom in the sandlot when the little boy makes friends and she’s happy for him… but I’m in my 30’s and I just go out with co workers for beer about once a month.

  5. Yea I check in. Make sure the kids aren’t causing mayhem. Ask her if she’d like anything while I’m out.

  6. I text other friends when I’m with my friends. My wife is also my friend so I text her as well. No big deal.

    Now, starting a long sidechat? No.

  7. If she texts me I respond or I ask her if she needs me to get anything on the way home or send her a picture of a dog or a baby but she never gets pissed if I don’t reply because she knows I’m hanging with my mates and probably haven’t looked at my phone.

  8. I’ve had this fight so many times. I don’t get it. I didn’t text you because I was with friends and we weren’t looking at our phones. Grrr.

  9. I let her know I’m safe where I am and when I’m on my way back home …. Plus does she need me to stop and get anything while I’m out

  10. I usually will check in on them. See if they need or want anything while I’m out. However if this turns into full on convos where I cannot enjoy the company of my buddies then this will quickly stop altogether and they will only get the check in when I am ready to come home. Need anything?

  11. That depends on the thing we’re doing. If it’s just hanging out at a bar or someone’s place, then yeah. As long as I’m not whipping my phone out and ignoring someone in a conversation I do. Especially if something funny happens. Gotta share that.

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