Scenario: you and someone just had sex. What was the best thing you or they have done after?

  1. The best immediately after is to play with my hair while cuddling and not say anything stupid!

    And then make me fresh, scrambled eggs.

  2. My ex used to go run the tap and bring me a warm washcloth to clean up with. It was lovely.

  3. Told me to go pee while they waited for cuddles. Showed a different kind of understanding, knowing that I’ve had UTIs before

  4. I know I should pee etc right after, but I really really dislike getting up immediately after sex and I also really want my partner to lie on me/next to me for at least 5-10 minutes while we catch our breath. I feel very vulnerable after sex and those few moments of touch are so important for me to feel safe. But yes, after that quick bathroom trip or shower depending on how messy stuff was. And then cuddles cuddles cuddles and pillow talk, followed either by food if we’re hungry or zzzz

  5. I had a guy who hopped up and made milkshakes. I can’t say for sure that was the best, but it definitely left an impression.

  6. He left. I don’t care for contact after or talking and cuddling I hate sleeping next to a partner I know I’m the odd one out

  7. Make sure each partner is satisfied with the experience. Listen well and be receptive to feedback.

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