If you wanna know the backstory to this, here’s my first post https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/up378z/is_she_into_me_or_just_being_friendly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

Basically, I [m34] got seriously ill, and during that time a colleague [F18] found out and would check in on me daily, we got close and I started falling for her, but she had just started seeing this guy and she was falling for him, but I was sure the signs she was giving she also liked me. Now not so sure.

Anyway, a month or so later, I’ve not been in work really because of my illness, and the daily messages stopped, which I put a stop to and told her why I had to because I didn’t want to ruin her thing with her boyfriend and that I had to because I am older and I shouldn’t be falling for a younger girl.

I still get the odd message, once a week maybe, but nothing like before it’s just like a quick chat and that’s it. We dont talk all day and night like we used to. And she’s still adding songs to the playlist she created for me. And I thought I was getting over it but I saw her again yesterday and I just can’t stop thinking about her.

Should I tell her? The whole talking every day about everything, sharing stuff, getting closer, flirting, all that stuff has stopped anyway, so I mean what’s the worst that can happen, but she’s a nice girl, her boyfriend from what I hear seems a nice lad, I don’t want to ruin it for them.

But at the same time I’m just constantly down because I can’t stop thinking about her. I wonder if I get it off my chest would it feel better, or would it make it even worse than it is already.

Think that’s why I vent on here, I don’t really mind if nobody reads this, just somewhere to actually vent my frustrations.

After being diagnosed with my illness, I ended up in a very depressive place, and she was the only one who helped me, messaged me daily, shared her depression with her family members illness which she thanks me for helping her get out of, and I think because I was down, I fell for her because she was the only person to help me with it. It also helps that shes absolutely stunning, and theres clearly a physical attraction there, for both of us i think.. And I want to tell her that’s the reason why I have feelings for her, but don’t want to gain anything from it. I’m never going to be with her or anything, more just that I want to thank her and know if she ever needs anything I will do what I can.

Maybe one day the physical side will happen, maybe not, be awesome if it did, but also not my main reason for wanting to tell her.

I don’t know, what do you think. Bad idea telling her, or just bottle it up and deal with it myself.

Tl;dr stopped contact with a girl I was falling for, but I can’t stop thinking about her still, and not sure if I should just tell her

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