Growing up, I always told myself I wouldn’t do certain things my dad did—whether it was how he handled stress, the way he talked to people, or his quirky habits.

Now, years later, I realize I’m becoming more like him in ways I never expected.
Anyone else have that moment where you thought, ‘Wow, I’ve officially become my dad’?

  1. Owning clothes from a previous decade.

    When I was growing up my dad had clothes left over from the seventies. I own clothes I’ve owned for more than 20years.

    I suspect the reason is: when growing up you topically need new clothes every couple of years, just because you grow out of them. Once you hit maybe 25-30 you stop growing, your physique is likely set. And those shoes you bought in 2010 still fit. Wait! So do those jeans. The t-shirt is a bit snug, but I always wear it with these jeans! … and now.. you’re your dad!

  2. I catch myself nit picking my son (father was bad for it). I care to much about how my lawn is mowed. I need to constantly be reminded about things that were told to me the previous day. I cut my own hair.

  3. I argue with people in my head, just like he does when he’s muttering to himself.

    Also…loud sneezes. I swore I’d never have his violent sneeze which made me jump…each year that passes my sneeze gets louder 🤣

  4. Unpredictability under certain influences.

    I don’t drink solely because I can’t usually tell if I’ll be cool and not bother anyone or be reeeeeaaaalll fuckin mean. Not like meathead tough guy mean or snarky sassypants.

    Like everyone leaves kinda mean.

    It’s so stupid.

  5. Thankfully not too much. He’s a pretty boring person and I have way more interests.

    I take care of my property but I don’t care about having a carpet lush lawn.

    Maybe one of the few things is punctuality. Like getting stressed out about not being early to an event. I feel like that’s universal though, especially in the military.

  6. With age I find myself becoming more bitter and more likely to throw myself pity parties. Just like my dad.

    I promised myself I would never let it get as bad as it is for him – And I swear to god its one of the reasons I haven’t let depression consume me completely – Spite is a helluva motivator.

    Note: My father keeps digging him self into the most stupid holes then blames the world when he can’t get out. I think every thing of what he’s been crying about for the last 20 years has been his own making, actively ignoring the warnings from others.

    I love my father but I loathe this behavior.

  7. Grunting and groaning when I have to get up from a seated position. It doesn’t hurt. It isn’t hard. There’s no reason to go UGGHHH everytime i leave the couch but I do it anyway.

  8. getting annoyed as easily as he does…..My Dad and I are Identical (Makes sense my therapist told me we replicate our parents without knowing it) if you interrupt him or side track his plan he can get frustrated so easily…I hated seeing it as a kid, yet now at 31 I noticed I did it a lot in my late 20s….Trying to not do it.

  9. This is an issue I can’t have, as my father died early enough in my life that I have no memory of him. I do know that I haven’t followed his habits of smoking, alcoholism, and zero exercise. And perhaps unsurprisingly, I’ve already outlived him by a good while.

  10. Not my dad nor my stepdad. They were not really present. But I am becoming my own mom… oh god.
    I need my house and garden to be clean. I hate things laying around where they don’t belong! I pressure my son to be better at school. I too often get loud when I try to explain something and he doesnt get it…

    I need to work on my patience but he just seems to know which buttons to press…

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