For context we are both Australian, but have been following American politics closely. Tonight we were having an argument and it got onto the topic of his political views (which I don’t completely agree with).

In the past he has expressed support for Trump’s economic policy, but it all came to a head tonight. I asked him if he thought that Trump’s abortion laws overshadowed his supposedly good economics. My boyfriend said that the laws “suck” but that he only really cares about a politician’s economics.

I was annoyed by this response so I asked him “So if our (future) daughter was raped and forced to carry her baby to term, you would still vote for a man who would let that happen, just because you think his economics are better?

He said yes he would.

I am shocked and honestly just feel like I need an outsider’s perspective on this. I can’t believe he would say something so cruel and heartless, even if it was just a hypothetical.

What would you do in this situation? We are best friends, have a very loving and close relationship and were even planning on getting married this year, but right now I am feeling seriously confused and hurt.

Tldr: My boyfriend said he would vote for Trump despite his abortion laws.

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