My "partner" (live separately) of several years has taken to protesting a local project quite vocally. I'm generally neutral on the issue, but the project impacts a place she likes to go a lot, so she wants the project to stop. That's fine, but she's just gone this direction of being a vocal skeptic without knowledge about the issues. She's posting things personally going after people on the other side of the issue, getting into spats, etc. And I just don't think she's as knowledgeable about the facts, but to her it doesn't matter because she's trying to make as much noise as possible simply because of an emotional connection with the area.

Anyway, I'm not outwardly critical and I don't talk to her about it, I just see her posts online sometimes, so ultimately it doesn't impact me, so I stay out of it. But it's just kind of a turn off because its highlighting where our values diverge.

I'm not really looking for a solution but just curious if anyone's partners changed or started doing things that diverged from the norm in a direction that kind of turned you off and how it went.

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