Me (m27) and this girl (f25) have been seeing each other for the past month and half, yesterday we went to the gym, she saw me and ran towards me and jumped on me and kissed me, that’s something new we been doing since I mentioned to her that it was a cool scene from the notebook lol. But either way in the gym I was focused on my workout so we didn’t really talk much, and I may have said something about me letting her use my membership and she took it wrong and said “I can get my own membership” I really didn’t mean anything by it.
Well she was quiet for the rest of the workout only giving me short replies and looked frustrated. When we were walking out I asked her if she wanted to get some food with me and she said “no, I’m not hungry” but she’s always hungry. So I was like okay, and we were saying goodbye and I went to hug her and she gave me this weird side hug and I tried to kiss her and she pulled away. I was surprised and asked her if everything was okay to which she replied “yes I’m okay, see you later”

I sent her a voice message yesterday telling her sorry, and explains what I’m expecting out of this relationship, she never replied.

I texted her today that I wanted to see her because I wanted to fix things and be on good terms, I told her that I noticed she blocked me on Instagram and if my number was also blocked then I would take the hint and not talk to her again, if that’s really what she wants. She replied with
“I need time to think, will be in touch Saturday”
. To which I replied
“That’s fine with me, thank you. And just like I said In the voice message. I want you, I want us, and if given the chance I will work for it. However, Ultimately though I will respect your decision. Talk to you Saturday. Stay safe. Bye.”
Now I’m not dumb I know that needing time is just a soft way of putting someone down. But realistically is there anything I can do when she reaches out again? We’ve talked about it and we both have told each other that we need to get used to each other, sometimes or personalities clash, im a happy cheerful guy that likes messing around and joking and she’s more sensitive to jokes. About 90% of the time we have a good time and the other 10% is what we need to work on.

  1. Not to judge her, but that would be a dumb reason to end a relationship. Anyway, there’s not much you can do once she makes up her mind. Sorry mate

  2. From your side of the story I am completely confused as to why she’s acting like that.

  3. I don’t think you should focus on what you can do to remedy the situation. You might think that your guys compatibly is 90% but she may think it’s much less. It sounds as though you’re looking for a way to communicate with her, and convince her, that you guys are a good match – don’t do that. Allow her to come to whatever conclusion she wants on her own and take it for what it is. I tried to do something similar (not exactly the same as your situation) with my ex and it was emotionally draining trying to find ways to “fix” things. You just gotta accept whatever she tells you and if that means she ends it, then let her. There’s no bigger turn off in this world than when someone doesn’t wanna be with you 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. >and I may have said something about me letting her use my membership and she took it wrong

    I suspect more was said, but you’re leaving it out.

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