I thought it might just be a bad year where I am, but having done my yearly run up the east coast to Pennsylvania I’ve maybe seen half a dozen goslings over the past 800 miles.

  1. The only Gosling I know is Ryan. If he dies, that would definitely be a decrease in Goslings

  2. Haven’t seen hardly any geese here in Maine but we don’t get tons in my neck of the woods most years anyway.

  3. Lots of geese in my lake community in northern Illinois. Their droppings create a big bacteria problem on the beaches and in the water.

  4. I haven’t, but that would be great if there were a decrease. Those things are menaces to public health.

  5. Still geese here pretty regularly on the Susquehanna. Maybe less but I havent noticed.

  6. I usually see them by my office, but there’s construction that may have scared them off.

  7. I spent several weeks in Maryland, and while I wouldn’t know what a baseline level of geese would be, there certainly didn’t seem to be a shortage of those aggressive territorial fuckers

  8. No, but it’s because a lot of the geese in my area stopped migrating and stay here year round. They just keep multiplying.

  9. Green Bay, WI here. My runs along the river in town have been avoiding goslings and parents on the trails, theres tons of them! When walking my son in his walker I steered waaay clear of the goslings that were everywhere to prevent any antics.

  10. Great question. I really hadn’t thought about it until you asked. Thanks.

    I haven’t noticed any geese at all since I bought my current house. I was previously really used to seeing them overhead or grazing in my apartment’s green spaces.

  11. Goslings I’ve seen before this year: 2
    Goslings I’ve seen this year: 50+

  12. I’ve actually seen the opposite in my little neck of South Jersey. Many more goslings than usual.

  13. Nope, Minnesota is chock full of water birds of all types. this year we had Trumpertor Swans nest on the Lake I live on.

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