I asked a guy (27m) out for a drink, we don’t know each other well. I (24f), messaged him and he said he would like that. He asked me what I am looking for, as he is not looking for anything serious, however, is keen to go with the flow and see the vibes in person (we met on a night our briefly and exchanged details).

I am not looking for anything serious either, mostly dating experience. However, his message caught me off guard. Should I interpret it as if though he is not interested? I feel like he has taken pity on me and said yes to the date.

Edit: I’m recently out of a long term relationship, so new to dating and unsure of what I want. The fact that he said that he isn’t looking for anything serious made me feel as if he feels bad for me so is going out with me.

  1. Just explain you feel the same and go with the flow….and try not to fall head over heels as he may not feel ready to do the same. X

  2. Take what he said at face value. He’s a guy, so when he says that he’s not looking for something serious, there’s a very slim chance he means anything else. Just calm down, and try not to overthink it. Take it easy.

  3. If both of you are not looking for something serious then you should be fine. And you should not feel bad, sad, pity, cause you said it for yourself, it is not serious for you either AND you are there for the experience. So just go with the flow and don’t overthink it.

  4. He’s just being upfront and honest with you. Don’t over think it guys don’t go on a date out of pity.

  5. That’s not what it means. It just means “don’t expect me to reply to messages quickly cuz I got lots of other shit goin on”

  6. Think about it . If I was looking for something serious I would still say I wasn’t. I wouldn’t want to freak the girl out.

  7. He is a simple minded man with no time to try n waste. He just wants to ask are u looking for something serious or casual.

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