As the title says.
Looking at their website in my area mostly 10 quid and 1k here and there…..
How common is it to come across a postcode lottery winner?

  1. Depends which one. If you mean pickmypostcode the prizes never seem to be huge but it’s free. I know some of thr paid ones have way bigger prizes

  2. No but I also don’t know anyone who has won a lot on the lottery either

  3. Only use of “postcode lottery” I have ever come across refers to different NHS primary care trusts having different services and different drugs available on prescription.

  4. A lady who lives in the same town as my mum (it’s not a very big town) won £33k a year or so ago. I’ve only ever won a tenner.

  5. My friends grandparents won £30k in 2018.
    A few years before that one of the postcode sectors in our town had a share of £2million, I can’t remember exactly how many overall winners there were (I think it was around 60) however only 2 people were part of the full winning postcode and took away £400k.

  6. Can’t remember If it was the post code one but a guy at my college, we were 17 at the time won around £2 Mill back in 2007. First thing be did was buy £100k something sports car, crashed it and wrote it off. Blew it all within a few years. Best thing he did though was pay his parents mortgage off.

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