i have a private story on my social media and i posted me and my 2 friends it was a one second video. in the video i was squatting and started to get up and dance . he thinks im trying to show off my curves , he does that everytime i post my lower half and he says its boundaries in our relationship and i should think about what i post. i dont post anything seductive of the sort its just cute mirror flicks fully clothed . when i post post my male friends saying happy birthday or congratulations he gets mad and says thats wrong and i shouldn’t post them because it’s disrespectful to our relationship. when i post my face he says im trying to be seen. he never posts me but i post him frequently. im not a attention seeker . i just like to have fun . im young so i should be able to live my life. i feel like im a prisoner . what should i do ?

  1. I mean. Here I will bluntly say this: You sound like an attention seeker, someone who posts as you claim to do, is an attention seeker. If I’m wrong, okay then I’m sure it would be so easy for you not to do it. BUT that doesn’t give him a right to tell you to act a certain way especially if you aren’t actually be provocative in what you do. So he’s still being out of line in that way and maybe you should reconsider that relationship.

  2. Sounds like controlling behavior. If you’re not scared of him just politely let him know that while you love him, you’re aren’t doing anything wrong and he needs to respect you as an individual. Those are your boundaries. Maybe you both sit down and read some articles on what healthy boundaries look like so you both can understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy ones.

    If he can’t respect you and try to work on it with you together… Then it’s time to break it off. You might suggest a break first if you want to give him a chance to think on it for a month or so first. But if he won’t hear it and can’t respect you then yeah, move on. If you’re afraid of him, don’t bother with any of that. Just break it off.

    Good luck!

  3. Just from reading this, I don’t see you as doing anything wrong. I’d advise you to get rid of him. He’s overly controlling, and staying with him is going to require a lot of energy and anguish on your part – and the rewards just aren’t worth it.

  4. He’s a smart man. U don’t need to be posting that at all unless u are doing it for attention. Also most guys would not like your “guy friends” because we know exactly how they think and 90% have an ulterior motive to hanging out with you. Give him my props

  5. If you feel like a prisoner than it probably isn’t a relationship you want to stay in

  6. get the hell out of there for real. run, dont walk. idk what these ppl are talking about “attention seeker” you sound like a normal girl doing what a normal girl would do and if he’s uncomfortable with the way you are he needs to find someone that will be okay with hiding away in his basement never to be seen by another pair of human eyeballs.
    if you’re uncomfortable, which it sounds like you are, that’s always a valid reason to leave. obviously i don’t know the full story, but that alone doesn’t sound like a pleasant relationship and with time things like that can only get worse if left unchecked.

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