I am attracted towards a guy I met online and i am going to let him go. Only because what we have is too good to lose. We talk daily but as friends, we tease each other, listen to each other’s day and laugh a lot. But now i have started to feel that he sees me as a ‘time pass’ and that making a move is not good idea. Plus, i have a horrible dating history, i don’t think i can ever date anyone again. Hence, i am going to let this guy go. Even though, I don’t want to.

  1. If you believe he sees you as a time pass then by all means, don’t pursue. When it comes to your dating history however, I wouldn’t let that get in the way of and future potential relationships. If you believe your history is bad, then you know what not to look for in a guy right? And if you believe you were the problem, then you can make changes to make the experience better and happier for both you and whoever you’re seeing. Self analysis and reflection is only one step, making changes to yourself based off that analysis is step two.

  2. I mean if I liked them too much and I could tell they didn’t genuinely like me back then yes I’d stop hanging out with them. But not if they liked me too! My bf and I are best friends and obsessed with each other. We met through a shared hobby and both had crushes on each other immediately lol

  3. Yes I did, and while my Mom does not agree with me on this next point, I maintain that she’s better off without me in her life. Its a hard decision, I know and my id still likes to torment me in my dreams about it but I stand firm in the belief that she’s infinitely better off without me as her husband.

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