I’ve figured with online dating, all I can see are pictures and height stats and vise versa for her. There’s a lot of girls I would give a chance to irl that I wouldn’t even bother with online as I prefer tall girls (5’8+) and I’m 6’2 (which for a girl that’s 5’10, that’s not very impressive). I would give short girls a chance if a. They can take it in all the way, I’ve noticed with short girls, I can’t go in all the way without hurting them and b. They have other positive traits to make up for their height.

So the question is:

How do I meet girls irl aside from just preexisting social circles (friends, hobby groups etc)? Do I just approach them and start off with friendly conversation or compliment them? I’m socially awkward and I’m not really sure what to do for this. I had an easier time prior to the pandemic and when people just socialized more in general.

  1. lol what did the height, vagina size thing have to do with where to meet people? Awkward indeed.

  2. Oh lord. It never fails to astound me how little some men know about women’s bodies.

  3. Are you saying your penis was too big for short women? So what you are saying is there is hope for guys like me who are 6 inches?

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