I caught my husband chatting and flirting with different women, and when I reacted and asked for space, his mother called my mother to convince her what a good man my husband is and told her, do you know how many women are waiting to marry him?

I feel so disrespected by my husband and his family… I would just like some advice and some words of affirmation as I’m feeling like crap about it…

  1. Let one of them have him, then. What did he do? Block them and try to make it right? Or try to act like you shouldn’t be mad like his mom did?

  2. Lol so many woman? I bet. There are many desperate women out there and women with no respect for self or others.

    Tell her no respectable woman would want a cheater.

  3. Every Mom thinks that about her son, but she was really out of line for calling YOUR Mom though. What on earth was she thinking? You need to have your husband address how inappropriate that was with his mother. It’s the only way.

  4. What she really means is there are ‘so many women waiting’ to be disappointed by him

    You deserve better

  5. Girl listen if he was worth a damn his mommy wouldn’t be on the phone with yours talking him up smfh

  6. good husbands don’t disrespect their wife 🙄these moms are delusional because they went through it with their husbands and think everyone should go through the same things. It’s a generational curse.

  7. Well the answer is within ur post. Leave his sorry ass like ” bye girlie!”

    U deserve so much better then this!

  8. Ugh, I hate that for you. My parents and his are too involved in my marriage as well. But as someone has already said, there are probably a ton of well suiters for you, too. Don’t know if it gives you comfort. But he’s not the end all, be all.
    Also just no, l don’t have constructive advice. All I can say is you’re worth a ton. You deserve love and respect. Hugs to you.

  9. no matter what you do, you will never be good enough or accepted by your in laws so just be done with them. You can’t let your husband talk to other women though at all.

  10. Yeah confront that issue and if he isn’t making you feel like the last woman in the world leave that mess, long term you will regret it.

  11. Most women wouldn’t want to marry an already married man. Seems a bit of odd advice from his mom.

  12. I feel disgusted reading just the title. What a stupid excuse to cheat on his wife. Let those woman have him, you can do better.

  13. I can tell you zero potential wives want to marry a man with an awful mother inlaw like that.

  14. Then they can have him. He doesn’t respect your or your marriage. You deserve at least that much.

    He got called out for behaving inappropriately and whined to his mommy. That is so immature and self-serving. His mother has no place in your marriage. Those women can marry him and spend the whole time watching him like a hawk. You can find a man who acts like an actual grown-up

  15. If there were so many women, there’d be no reason for her to call you to tell you. She’s calling because she knows you’re a lot for her son to lose.

  16. A bit of psychology- people only respect you when you prove that you can live without them. Keep to your boundary. Take all the time you need. Do not be afraid.

  17. Bye ✌️ lol

    There are plenty of MEN & WOMEN who would like to marry me too but that’ll happen when I kick “your son” to the curb

  18. Weird? I know 0 women who are ready to marry men who got divorced due to their own infidelity and wandering eyes? Does your mother in law have some secret supply of women with no self esteem or moral compass?

  19. Red flag thats on fire on several levels. Make sure to address prior to nuptials.

  20. There’s plenty of women waiting to marry men who have never had to live with them and deal with the cheating, the laundry, the bickering, the bad habits, the snoring and farting, the wet towel on the floor, the dirty socks right outside the laundry basket.

  21. If it were true she wouldn’t be calling your mom to manipulate you into staying. He’s not sorry. And he won’t stop. And f your mil for not calling her son on his shit.

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