Scene: your gf/wife is annoyed. You follow her around saying things like “well someone’s in a pissy mood”. What outcome do you expect?

  1. Scene: my wife and I are adults. She is in a bad mood. I ask her why, she tells me. We work it out.

  2. As experience of watch my dad do this to my mom the outcome is piss off or I will chop off your toes

  3. I wouldn’t even make it past the first comment. She’d flip it on me and start berating me about how rude it was to say the thing I said. I’d then listen to her berate me and force me to apologize like 50 times.

  4. Told to STFU.

    If you are a gambling man……easy there (insert her moms name)…….good luck.

  5. That their are 2 very different viewpoints or someone needs a straitjacket

  6. I expect an irritated dismissal of my perspective buttressed by a threatening toned claim to not be in a “pissy mood.”

  7. This seems less like a genuine question, and more like you venting that your husband just did this.

  8. “Don’t fucking talk to me! Leave me alone!” “Babe I love you but I WILL smash this cast iron pan into your brain if don’t go away.” ” xxxxx(My name)! I’m not into mood to joke around with you. If you don’t want me to unleash my anger on you, you better disappear from my eyesight.”

  9. I would expect, to quote a classic song:

    No sugar tonight in my coffee, no sugar tonight in my tea.

    Possibly a sugar famine sweeping o’er the land for days and days.

  10. My wife is the sweetest person in the world, she would probably say, “Yea, I kinda am, I’m gonna go take a bath or something”.

    I would never say that to her though, if she’s in a pissy mood, no reason to make her feel worse.

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