My wife lies about getting things done. Just now I mentioned how most of my socks are probably buried in baskets in the laundry room because my kid steals them. She said she has been going through the baskets and cleaning them up, but she hasn’t been.

  1. So you ignored all the other red flags of a liar prior to marrying her I assume ?

  2. Well she said she’s going through them so how is that lying? Did she say she’s done? Because laundry is never done you know
    Edit: especially when kids are at home. I’m never “done” with laundry

  3. How do you know for sure she’s lying? If she is in fact lying, there is probably a reason. Is she behind on housework and embarrassed? Do you think she feels judged by you?

  4. Your wife needs serious help. She take Tylenol likes it’s going out of style, she ignores her dental health, she’s paranoid thinking the kids have had lice for years and now you think she is lying about laundry. You have huge problems in your home that need to be address. Mental health is important.

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