(23F/25M) He’s finally meeting my family this weekend but I’m just so insecure about how my house looks. It’s not bad. But it’s not beautiful either. I’ve even made it look much better than it was a few weeks ago but I’m just nervous about if it doesn’t look good enough. Like he’ll perceive me different for it. I’m more nervous about my house than him meeting my family & ive been dreading him coming to my house because of it. I literally delayed him seeing my family because of it

Tl;dr? Nervous about how my house looks

  1. What is it about your house that you are concerned about? Is it in decent repair? Is it clean?

    Because if it’s clean and in good repair, and he thinks less of you simply because it is not superficially beautiful, then he’s a shallow guy and not worth your time.

    If it’s *not* clean or *not* in good repair, those are valid concerns for him to take note of.

  2. Clean up. Hide the things that are unsightly, there are some rooms guests won’t enter (storage, basement, workroom). Get some flowers and put those around. It doesn’t have to look like it’s from a magazine.

    It’s always a bit weird to let someone in and show your personal space. But it probably will be fine. Gross is worse than ugly, so just make sure that the kitchen and bathroom look nice.

  3. Try and think about it the other way around, you wouldn’t think less of him if came from a house that “doesn’t look good enough”. How a house looks doesn’t define who you and your family are. Even if it’s a run down small home with no particular beauty, who cares. It was a place of safety and stability for you where you spent many happy times with your family. Try and just get over the initial meeting and remember it’s about him meeting your family and becoming even closer together. If he’s in love with you, this will not be an issue.

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