If you had to choose between two different kind of men, someone who is laid back, soft spoken, avoids un-needed confrontation, let’s shit slide and back down to not get into a fight or someone who stands up for himself, is ready to confront someone, argue/fight if needed/ fearless kind? Which one would you be more attracted to, and why?

  1. Well, honestly neither. Because I believe there needs to be balance between the two. Be laid back when necessary, fight when necessary. But seeing as I’m having to choose, probably the first guy.

  2. The first sounds like he wouldn’t protect me, I’d choose the second if there’s an emphasis on the “if needed”

  3. The first one sounds less aggressive, more mature but there’s so much more to being in a relationship than the things you’ve listed here

  4. If I had to choose, it would be the second one. I would never be with a guy that’s a pushover.

  5. Closer to the latter depending on how it’s handled and executed. I’m not a fan of men who doesn’t stand up for themselves or the person he’s with, just from personal experience they’re disappointing because you end up doubting yourself also, and too many excuses for why they let other things that affect you slide. The latter if not the abusive type is at least able to have others respect his boundaries if he stands up for the right things and is calling out someone’s bs. Neither are good if they’re on the extreme side of personality unless there’s some balance.

  6. I think I would like both but realistically I would do better with the second one because I have the personality of the first one, so the second one would balance me out.

  7. From your question it looks like you are not yet evolved enough to make this choice. You are regarding being non confrontational as a negative, same as “letting shit slide” and “backing down to avoid an argument”.

    And you mistakenly value being ready to confront or fight someone, stick up for himself as an asset.

    Actually being “laid back” and “soft-spoken” is a higher vibrational energy than your first example, so my choice would be that guy.

    And the guy who is assertive and fiercely ready to confront someone is not an asset because that way of managing situations just adds more negativity. So that is the kind of man I would avoid.

    But relax,you’ve got time. You are still in spiritual kindergarten.

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