I (20M) have lived with my roommate (20F) for 8 months now and i’m developing feelings for her. We get along really great and we do everything together like go out shopping, go to cafes etc. and tonight we are going out clubbing just me and her (it was her idea). She has been saying she’s really excited and at one point she said she thinks we’re gonna regret it in the morning. She also said we should get breakfast the morning after. It’s also like she wants to keep us going out a secret as she said she prays we don’t see anyone we know out as we’ll have to explain to them what we’re doing.

So all of this making plans with me, going out together all the time, saying we’ll regret it in the morning and other things make me think that she likes me too but I get very mixed feelings from her like recently in conversation she has referred to me as her friend multiple times. I really want to make a move and confess my feelings to her but I am worried she will reject me

TL;DR : I like my roommate but I can’t tell if she likes me or not

  1. should have said “its nice going to the club knowing im going back to my place with the hottest girl there”

  2. She’s fishing for information from you. Saying you’ll regret it in the morning means she wants to know if you’re going to want to go back to being roommates if you bang, or if you’re wanting a relationship.

    That’s my take. Just talk to her. If you’re going to try dating, have a plan for what you’ll do with your living situation.

  3. If you confess and there’s a rejection: how long are you then supposed to still live together? Cos that can get awkward, especially since you now are having certain rituals together, like the breakfast. Just in case, maybe look around what the housing market is now. No commitments, just knowing what’s an option.

    Best is to directly ask her and then see what this leads to.

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