Hi, so I dated this guy for around 4 months and ended it this month due to us wanting different things. We broke up on a good term but we don’t talk anymore.
My birthday was in March and he got me really amazing gift box which included decorating lights, instant film camera and such. It was the best present I’ve ever got on my birthday.
His birthday is coming up next month and we still have each other’s book borrowed so I was thinking I should get him something on his birthday as I could use returning his book as an excuse and give him a birthday present. Is this a terrible idea since we stopped talking?

I also have no idea what should I give him since we’re not dating anymore. I gave him a victorinox knife, card holder wallet and pour over coffee maker thermal cup during the period we dated on Valentines day and other occasions. And now I seriously ran out of ideas 😅 he likes music, gym, snowboarding, swimming, plays guitar, also into startup ideas and so on.

Is this a bad idea altogether or it would be perceived as a nice gesture? I’m not trying to get him back or anything bcuz I’ve accepted we want different things. It’s only because I thought it’s only fair that I got something for him since I received a great present from him after all.

  1. If I’m reading this correctly, he gave you that great gift when you two were dating. You’re no longer dating. You’re not even in touch! No, don’t get him a gift. It’s no longer appropriate or necessary. Just send back his book via mail.

  2. This will send the man all sorts of mixed signals. How about we stop clinging to our ex’s and move on?

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