What would you have for breakfast for the rest of your life?

  1. Oatmeal with dairy free milk, peanut butter frozen berries and a slice banana. Because that’s pretty much what I have everyday already.

  2. Crepes with strawberry, banana and real chocolate drizzle (not the fake syrup stuff).

  3. Porridge with mixed nuts, toasted coconut, honey, soy milk and yoghurt.

  4. Avocado toast with a tomato and over easy egg on top. Throw on a little cheese sometimes or sprinkle some sweet basil on top.

  5. Hazelnut coffee and whole grain bread with sesame spread (tahini) and honey.

  6. I skip breakfast the vast majority of the time and if I do decide to have something, it’s a fruit protein shake; so that.

  7. Steel cut oats,
    greek yogurt (vanilla lactose-free),
    fruit in season (or frozen blueberries),
    topped with a sprinkling of toasted slivered almonds.

    It has what I need and what I want.
    Fibre, calcium, vitamins.
    Sweetness, juiciness and crunch.

  8. If calories weren’t a thing: Belgian waffles and crispy bacon. 🤤

  9. I love oatmeal…I’ve pretty much eaten the same thing every day for the past 10 years and see myself eating it till I die

  10. Scrambled eggs, with sausage(or bacon) with a side of yogurt with granola and a hot(cold) coffee

  11. Oatmeal and raisin protein bars by the gluten free brothers company.

  12. Croissant toasted, with scrambled eggs and roasted mushroom with cherry tomato on the side with butter

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