Why arsenal choose the north? And how did they got allowed to be there? Are they hated in the north or only spurs fans that hates them?

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  2. Teams can move wherever they want. Arsenal moved when their South London ground was destroyed by fire in 1913. So they’ve been a North London club for much longer than they were in Greenwich and no one alive today will have known them as being anywhere other than in North London.

    MK Dons moved from Wimbledon in South London to Milton Keynes.

    Stamford Bridge, home of Chelsea Football Club isn’t in Chelsea, it’s in adjacent Fulham.

  3. “Allowed”? By whom? What would have stopped them?

    Arsenal are widely liked and were a lot of fans’ second team as a result of the beautiful, game-changing football they provided under Mr Wenger. It’s only the poor Spurs fans who dislike them or think that their origin in Woolwich is somehow remarkable. I think they assume that had Arsenal remained in Woolwich, Spurs would’ve won something since 1960.

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