So I’m 27m virgin, and long story short due to a trouble childhood I had developed a low confidence until 25. Anyway thanks to alot of hard work and self developed techniques I gotten my confidence to a level I feel I can date. So my question due to lack of experience dating I’m very un-education how the process goes lol. Anyway there’s this girl I like and have know for some time, she seems really cool and I wanna ask her out, so I’m thinking of asking her “what would you think if I was to ask you out on a date” would this be appropriate?

  1. I’d advise against that because it seems insecure, like if she were to say no you’d say “oh yeah of course I was just playing”
    A bit more confidence such as “what do you think about grabbing a cup of coffee together next week” seems a bit more confident.

  2. Don’t say that. Not that it’s inappropriate but it sounds slightly weird imo. Tell her that you think she’s cute and you should grab a cup of coffee sometime or sth like that.

  3. >I’m thinking of asking her “what would you think if I was to ask you out on a date” would this be appropriate?

    I mean, it’s not inappropriate, but I don’t think it reflects confidence. Something more direct like: “Hey, wanna go grab some mac and cheese and tendies?”

  4. I find it also helps to do a little digging, like if she likes bubble tea or something more unique, try and ask her out that way. Best of luck!

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